A ***WOW*** Moment!!!

on 7/20/08 1:07 am - Clovis, CA
Last April when I saw my PCP for the first time, he asked me if I wanted to try Phentermine. "Sure," I said. "Why not?" BUT (there is always a "but") I refused to get on the scale that day. I just didn't want to. I didn't want to know, I didn't want him to know ... I am terrified of doctors and I was no less terrified of this one, whom I had never met before.

Soooo, fast forward to July, when I went to see him again to get some meds refilled and ask for a referral to a surgeon for RNY. I got on the scale that day ... 393 ... I was horrified. I knew I was fat, but I never wanted to know how fat I was because then I would actually have to face the problem and do something about it! I had been on the Phentermine since April and had drastically changed my diet (so much so that I knocked my own cholesterol down 47 points in one month - WITHOUT MEDICATION!!! - and I have copies of my lab work to prove it!), so you figure in three months' time, I had to have lost a nice little chunk of weight.

April 17th was the day I went to my pre-op visit at my surgeon's office, and my weight that day was 360 ... Down another 33lbs, yes, but it took me NINE MONTHS to do it ... My diet had been really good until about January, and then I had started to slip. In February, when my mom passed away, I basically said, "F*** it," and decided that I really didn't care about the diet. That was the wrong attitude to have, I know, but anyone out there who's lost their mom can understand, I'm sure. On top of that, my dad went into the hospital a week after my mom died, and he stayed there for nine weeks. I was too depressed, scared out of my mind, and tired to worry about dieting.

Cut to last night - July 19th ... I stepped on my scale just on a whim. I try not to weigh more than once a week, but this time I think it had only been about four days. Imagine my shock and amazement to discover that my weight was 298.

95 pounds gone since that visit to my PCP in July, and 62 of that since my surgery.

That was a HUGE ***WOW*** moment for me!

I know I still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do, but my sister once told me that I should allow myself to be proud of every little accomplishment, because they all mean I have done something better for myself than I was doing it a week, a month, a year, or ten years ago. And she is absolutely right. So I am celebrating this little victory by ... Well, I don't know how I'm gonna celebrate it, but I will find a way!
on 7/20/08 3:06 am - Vallejo, CA

on 7/20/08 6:31 am - Central Coast, CA
WOW! What a terrific feeling! Hang on to it and keep up the great work.
Weigh to go!


Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

on 7/20/08 6:54 am - Hemet, CA
Congrats girlie... I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to step on the scale... at my biggest I was 388. I am now 1/2 the person I was.  Keep up the great work sweetie, you are very much worth it!
4 years post op and 1/2 the person I was...
Mom to 5
Teacher to Many
Out to change the World
Diane C.
on 7/20/08 9:59 am - Highland, CA
I know all too well what you are talking about.  My highest 392....I can't believe, 8 lbs away from 400.  That is a horrible place for my head to go.  I am so thankful for my surgery I cannot tell you.  I am still on that quest to be skinny, but finding it hard to stick to the diet I MUST be on to lose more.  I will just keep working at it.


Kim K.
on 7/20/08 10:07 am, edited 7/20/08 10:08 am
Hi Lauren, your sister is absolutely right, celebrate every victory!!  I like to celebrate with something non food, a new CD or DVD or a pedicure or something,  We're so used to celebrating everything with food in our society, and that doesn't help those of us with weight issues.  Anyhow, good for you and we love hearing those WOW moments!!!  xo  Kim

P.S. My highest (that I know of) was 385 when I got weighed in at my surgeons office.




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


on 7/20/08 10:19 am, edited 7/20/08 10:19 am - Sherman Oaks, CA
Don't blow off your success by saying, " I know I have a long way to go..."

Look how far you've come! AMAZING!


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The Many Faces of WLS

April Henderson
on 7/20/08 12:26 pm - Modesto, CA
Congratulations!!! This is DEFINITELY something to be very proud of!!!
on 7/20/08 5:36 pm - Ellensburg, WA
Your sister is right, every WOW should be celebrated, big or small!! And only you can decide if they are big or small to you!!! There are so many small things that most people take for granted that when we accomplish them, they are HUGE to us and deserve to be celebrated!!!
So take your bow, proudly, and know there will be many more!!!
Congratulations on your success so far!!!!  bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



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